How The Media Got It Wrong About Depression

Today I was listening to the radio, when there was a story about how depression might be an allergic reaction to stress. I was surprised to hear how wrong the conclusions were about what causes depression, and how to treat it.

The story was about a neuroscientist who put a small mouse into a cage with a larger, more aggressive mouse.  This allowed the large mouse to bite and claw at the smaller one. The next day, a different large, aggressive mouse was put in, who proceeded to beat up the smaller mouse. This went on for 10 days.  After this, the scientists watched the small mouse interact with yet another mouse. They found that some of the abused mice avoided the new mouse. They also found that these mice had higher levels of chemicals called cytokines, which are present after injury or inflammation.

From this, the scientist concluded that depression was like an allergic reaction. Even my 14 year old son could see the flaws in this reasoning. Maybe the abused mice were avoiding the new mice because they were smart. After all, they had lost a cage fight each day for the last 10 days, so why would they want to interact with a new mouse. Maybe the abused mice had more cytokines because they just had their fur ripped out.

Finally, the clearest explanation is that the mice had just been terrorized. And seriously terrorized at that. It was the psychological injury that caused the avoidance and possible depression.

I see this over and over in my psychotherapy work with clients. They are depressed because they had an alcoholic father. Or they are depressed because their mother was very critical and negative. Or they are depressed because their manager sneers at and mocks them. These psychological injuries of abuse, or unending criticism, or parental neglect are what causes depression.

And the treatment is psychotherapy. When clients experience understanding and empathy, then the psychological injuries start to heal. They are able to shift their beliefs about themselves, and become more positive. They do not need a pill that suppresses interleukin 6. They need the mix of deep understanding, and practical tools, that therapy offers to help them recover from the emotional damage of the past.

Will you invest with a psychopath?

By | January 3, 2019

It is so exciting when someone has a great idea for a business. They have spotted a big need in the marketplace, came up with a solution, and have a whiz-bang presentation. You are eager to help them, either as a business partner, or as an angel investor. You are willing to put either time, […]

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How to Survive a Toxic Boss

By | April 18, 2017

Each week, another person in my psychotherapy practice in Kelowna presents with major depression.  When I ask them why they are so depressed, they respond “It is my boss.”   This happens week after week, month after month.   What triggers such depression in so many people?  The first factor is fear.  If people work for […]

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Helping Someone Who Is Grieving

By | January 31, 2015

I recently received a phone call from the manager in a company here in Kelowna, where one of the employees had lost a sister very suddenly. The leader was concerned for the employee, and asked what more could be done to help this person, as their performance was really affected. They said that although the […]

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